Design on a human scale

Date 1 May 2007

Categories Publications

Ever since its birth in 1994, Progetto CMR has made innovation, quality and culture the key elements of its design and entrepreneurial activity. The search for innovation is the driving force that guides our every project. It is a choice that is born from the necessity to find solutions to meet the continuous change affecting the world of employment. The quality of our service is expressed by the final degree of satisfaction of our Client.  It is a result that is constantly pursued, working in partnership with the Client, to comprehend his true organizational needs and to provide solutions that allow for possible changes over time.
A culture of innovation means integrating technological research and development into our activities. It is an attitude that manifests itself in the promotion of events, exhibitions and conferences as well as through the sponsorship of targeted research, on-line services and book publishing. It is a commitment finalized to the creation of a more stimulating future rich in satisfaction.


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