Progetto Design & Build – a company of the Progetto CMR group – designed and built the new offices of Alpha Test, a company of the Dvento Educational Group. The concept with which the offices were created aims to convey the company’s mission through the work environments: “to become, evolve, transform”. The aim of the project was to make the office functional, surprising, communicative and innovative.
The building has three floors, each of which houses a group company: Boolean, 700plus, Scuola Notarile Viggiani and Alpha Test, to which the entire second floor is dedicated, where the visitor is welcomed in an area with a strong impact visual. To the right of the modern reception is a large bookcase, an important symbolic element of the group – also present in other places in the building, such as in the board room for example – complete with comfortable furnishings and a turquoise blue carpet that recalls the color palette of the brand Alpa Test. The third floor, on the other hand, which houses the open space offices of the other group companies, is equipped with phone booth areas created to allow people to work in complete soundproofing.
For more informations: https://www.progettodesignebuild.com/progetti/alpha-test/