Mottolino Headquarters

Client Mottolino Fun Mountain

Location Livigno Alps, Livigno, SO, Italia

Built area 3.850 mq


Mottolino Headquarters and Kosmo Taste The Mountain – Livigno & AlpiNN



The Mottolino Headquarters and the Kosmo Taste The Mountain – Livigno & AlpiNN open. The facility, owned by the Mottolino Fun Mountain company, is the first private work linked to the 2026 Winter Olympics. The interior design of the first Ski Working Hub in Europe is by Progetto CMR. The architectural project was developed by the architect Anselmo Fontana, of the LPS studio; the interior spaces were created by the contract company Concrete.


The new Headquarters is a “home” – welcoming and technological – designed for those who want to alternate skiing with fun and work, responding to the needs of a public of the most diverse ages and a young clientele who enjoy a continuous Phygital experience, physical and digital world.


Comments the architect Massimo Roj, CEO of Progetto CMR:

“Mottolino Fun Mountain is a project that aims to celebrate the majesty and adventure of the mountain, enhancing its charm through dynamic and highly engaging environments, continuous references to local natural elements and high-impact technological installations. Inside there will be the first Ski Working Hub in Europe, a real business lounge where you can work between one ski session and another or at the end of a day of fun. The result is a space to be experienced with all the senses and which is aimed at a wide audience, where it will be possible to have fun and work immersed in a landscape of extreme beauty.”


The Service Center is an innovative structure that houses rental, storage, ticket office activities – also open in summer for Downhill – ski school, shops, all deeply renovated spaces. The new panoramic escalator overlooks the full-height hall illuminated by a completely glazed front of the building. This central area is equipped with large LED walls that guarantee an immersive experience for all visitors; through which it will be possible to watch special video contents, follow the competitions and free style activities for which the Mottolino Fun Mountain is internationally famous.


In the next few days we will see a further reveal. On the first floor you can experience the mountain in an unusual and surprising way; in fact, here there is a gaming room – complete with latest generation driving simulators – and an environment for coworking and smartworking, with flexible spaces, mobile workstations and an amazing view of the mountains.


The restaurant Kosmo Taste the Mountain – Livigno & AlpiNN also opens, based on the philosophy of the 3 *** Michelin and Green Star chef for sustainability, Norbert Niederkofler, known for his mountain cuisine based on collaboration with local producers and on the proposals in constant dialogue with local and seasonal ingredients and recipes. Mo-food, the holding company of the South Tyrolean chef Niederkofler and his partner Paolo Ferretti, will assume the strategic direction of the new restaurant.


The environments, always renewed by Progetto CMR, surprise for the ability, in a constant reference to the Alpine architecture of the origins, to reinterpret it in a contemporary key. The arboreal elements and the wooden textures of the forest, the underground world of the caves, return in sculptural form in the interior design solutions: the bar counter, the fireplace in the private room, the bathrooms are the protagonists of an exclusive space inspired by the territory mountain surrounding the new Headquarters.

At Kosmo Taste the Mountain – Livigno & AlpiNN you can stop during the day or in the evening, for a special dinner.

The offices, operational since January, are inspired by a more technical and functional aesthetic, which recalls the infrastructures of the ski lifts, leaving room for sharing areas to collaborate, making the most of the working days.


The Design Team that worked on the project is made up of Matteo Colombo, Michela Valentino, Riccardo Panichi, Sergio D’Antonio, Irene Milan, Lorenzo Ferrario.


The creation of the interiors of the Mottolino Headquarters and the Kosmo Taste the Mountain – Livigno & AlpiNN was entrusted to the company Concreta specialized in high quality interior contractors. Among the product brands involved: Artemide, for lighting; Iris Ceramiche Group for stone-effect stoneware coverings; Bencore for the luminous coating of the service center counters.

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