Le Colline Shopping Mall

The new malls are gradually taking on the social role of traditional plazas, turning into places for socialization, into new entertainment destinations where people go primarily to enjoy several different experiences. Shopping is not the main driver anymore: it’s the so-called “retailtanment”, which combines extra functions as sports, hospitality, business and catering with traditional shopping.
In Italy, Progetto CMR is working on a new shopping mall close to Verona downtown, “Le Colline Shopping Centre”, a 60.000 sqm complex where “retailtanment” plays a major role as well.
The key feature of the two-story complex is indeed the relevance of public spaces, above all the extensive elevated urban park on the roof. This 17.000 sqm space is an ideal venue for socialization and meetings, providing open areas for relax and strolling and outdoor patios for the restaurants of the mall. It also hosts playgrounds for kids and it is equipped to host sports activities like biking and running. Being this part connected to other existing sports facilities located on the site, the entire area becomes an amusing environment dominated by nature, the first of its kind in Verona.
The mall also features an innovative food court, a multiplex, an event plaza at the main entrance, together with traditional shops, thus meeting the multiple needs of the new customers’ generation.
The project, designed to get the LEED Gold certification, includes also the use of renewable resources like rainwater, solar energy and geothermal power, extensive natural daylighting, easy pedestrian access.