The China EU Future City (CEFC) project is located Shenzhen, Longgangdistrict, inside the area of the National Low Carbon Pilot city. It is a project that under the aegis of EU Commission and Chinese Government as pilot project of the EU-CHINA Partnership on Urbanization.
The project will became one of the most important platforms for the exchange between Europe and China, with a show-case on low-carbon technology and concept. In other words, the “China-EU Future City” is a bridge between European and Chinese companies, which purpose is to facilitate and to promote permanent exchange of resources and expertise, especially in view of sustainable urban development.
CEFC aims to transform the existing Liulian community into a sustainable city as well as a regional commercial hub, combining industrial, production, commercial and residential areas based on eco-friendly design.
The project will bring in European high-tech industrial clusters and shall contain 3 themed industrial zones: Sustainable Urbanisation Park, Life Science Park and 4.0 Business and Production Center. It aims to create an EU-China sustainable urbanization pilot project combining the element of environmental protection, low-carbon and intelligent manufacturing. Meanwhile, it will cooperate with European industrial clusters to bring in high-end industries, European enterprises and institutions and develop successful commercial chains which shall facilitate the structural upgrading of local industries. It will provide facilities for research, seminar, training, services, and primary entry of European companies.
17th Eco Habitat International Architectural Planning & Design Competition “Best Overall Award” 1°Prize for “China-Europe Future City Masterplan”