Motorways are also meeting places, through rest areas and filling stations. The Aquino petrol station, in the stretch of the A1 motorway nearby Naples, is the object of a conceptual renewal, introducing and creating new and innovative spaces. The design concept of Archeo Mall fuses the idea of mall with the surrounding landscape archeology.
The innovation of materials and spaces allows for aesthetically valid solutions that also respond to functional requirements.
The rest area becomes a precious carrier of culture and history knowledge. Archeo Mall also produces positive socio-economical effects on the territory (more visitors = more jobs) and sustainable effects in terms of benefits for future generations.
Archeo Mall takes the shape of a box, coated with translucent panels and offers to travellers, in addition to the typical services for rest area, an opportunity of culture in a confortable and functional space, respectful of the environment.
The Archeological Park -on which terraces overlook, to enjoy the site –and the specialized Museum, ensure fungibility and osmosis between exterior and interior spaces, giving to the site unique features of sustainable modernity.