The China-EU Future City Masterplan got the "2016 Best Overall Award"

Date 20 November 2016

Categories News

Progetto CMR is delight to announce its “China Europe Future City” project, designed for HuanDe Future City Real Estate Development Co., Ltd, won the “2016 Best Overall Award” at the 17th Eco Habitat International Architectural Planning and Design Competition.

China Europe Future City (CEFC) project is located in Longgang District, Shenzhen, will become one of the most important platforms for the exchange between Europe and China, a bridge between Europe and China, to facilitate and to promote permanent exchange of resources and expertise, especially in sustainable urban development.
CEFC will be built into a sustainable city as well as a regional commercial hub, combining industrial, production, commercial and residential areas based on eco-friendly design. The use of advanced technologies plays a major role in this project. Energy-efficient buildings, smart grid solutions, smart water and waste management, and eco-friendly mobility are carefully planned to create a low-carbon and green city.

The project will be developed through 3 core areas: Sustainable Urbanization Park, Life Science Park and 4.0 Business and Production Center, providing facilities for research, seminar, training, services, and primary entry of European companies.
Progetto CMR was appointed for the overall urban planning design as well as for the architectural concept design. The first development phase is already under construction. All design solutions applied in the design by Progetto CMR are based on “a human scale” principle, able to ensure coherent spatial development, an efficient use of resources and interaction between people.

Eco Habitat Competition is an academic, authoritative and professional competition in the international architectural industry. It is co-organized by Architectural Society of China Landscape Ecological Academic Committee and Beijing Green Building Association.

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