Smart Working Salon in Beijing

Date 25 May 2016

Categories News|events

On May 24th, the “Smart office” Salon organized by Progetto CMR and Rapal, the leading Finnish company in software development for the office management, was held in Beijing, sharing with the Chinese audience the latest trends of smart working and discussing about the right approach to design the “office of the future”.
Massimo Roj joined the discussion, highlighting his view on smart working: “It is a new way to work, but also a new way to think the job. The new way to work should be creative, dynamic, and organized, to satisfy all needs of interaction, communication, sharing and team working”. The smart office is also proved to bring many benefits such as increase in productivity, reduction in labor costs and working time, CO2 emission cutting.
From the design perspective, the answer is an integrated approach that takes into consideration multiple aspects, from space planning to technology and the understanding of corporate culture, in order to find suitable solutions to all the needs and situations.
Rainer Lund, Head of International Sales in Rapal, then took the stage, showing the IT tools developed by the Finnish company to optimize the office space management, including their core product, the “Optimaze Measure”.
The seminar ended after informal networking among the participants, who showed great interest in the topics of the event.
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