Progetto CMR signs strategic agreement with Beijing Jiaotong University

Date 18 May 2017

Categories News

On May 18th 2017 in BeijingMassimo Roj, Founder and Global CEO of Progetto CMRMassimo Bagnasco, Partner and Managing Director, and Liu Chunyang, Associate and Design Dept. Vice President, representing Progetto CMR, signed a Strategic Partnership Agreement with Dean Xia Haishan, representing the well-knwown Beijing Jiaotong University School of Architecture and Design.

Scope of the agreement is to jointly develop cooperation in various fields, including academic exchange, scientific research, joint events\seminars, urban planning and architectural design practice.

“This international cooperation will play an active role for future exchanges” stated both Massimo Roj and Massimo Bagnasco. “We sincerely hope that our Italian cultural background can inspire future Chinese architects, and at the same time that these young architects can bring even more inspiration to Progetto CMR and to our future generations of architects and designers”.

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