Ningbo Duao Art Museum almost completed

Date 18 May 2016

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One year after the design begun, Ningbo Duao Art Museum is almost completed: the building designed by Progetto CMR, will officially open by the end of July, 2016. The idea of the Museum originated from the strong desire of the client, who envisioned a place for creativity and culture, a new centre where artists and intellectuals could share ideas. The Museum will host art exhibitions of high level, personal collections and thematic cultural events. The building is located on an area that was used as granary for the army in the past. Food and nourishment were indeed the main ideas behind the project: to transform a place used to store grain, food for the body, into a place to store art – the food for mind.
Progetto CMR is in charge of the architectural design and interior design of the project, which holds a total of 2,700 sqm built area on 3 floors. Duao Art Museum is situated in the outskirts of Ningbo, a big city on the Chinese central-southern coastline, in a beautiful natural area surrounded by mountains and fields.
The building is designed to have 7 wings, connected by a central area, and it is placed on a green podium. In this way, visitors are able to enjoy the surrounding landscape at its fullest, having each window a different view. The three floors will host a main exhibition area, an area for concerts and social events, an internal courtyard and private rooms.
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