The Mayor of Milan inaugurates the construction works of Spark One building

Date 10 October 2018

Categories News

Construction works of the first new building in Milano Santa Giulia Sud district, designed by Progetto CMR, have officially begun.


On October 9th, the ground-breaking ceremony was held at the Spark One construction site, in the presence of the Milan Mayor Giuseppe Sala and Councilor for Urban Planning Pierfrancesco Maran. The 8-storey office complex is promoted by the Joint Venture between Risanamento and Lendlease (Intown) and realized by Progetto CMR.


The complex will be built next to the Milano Rogoredo railway and underground station, assuming a strongly symbolic value as the new portal to the city of Milan. The choice of the name is not accidental, since the complex will represent the “spark” of the development of the entire area.
In addition to the LEED Platinum certification, the Spark One complex in Milan Santa Giulia will be among the first Italian examples of buildings designed and measured according to the WELL certification guidelines, which evaluate the levels of well-being of the spaces.


“It is a great honor to be present at this moment, an event that is so important for the city of Milan – says Marco Ferrario, President of Progetto CMR. “We are happy to be able to contribute to the urban regeneration process that is involving the whole area of ​​Milan Rogoredo, a rebirth whose corner stones are sustainability, innovation, community”.


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