Date 30 October 2012

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The new offices of “La Stampa”, an Italian newspaper, in Turin, convey both the past and future of the press, including in the same place areas dedicated to the newspaper history and areas provided with interactive technologies. Besides high-tech work stations, there is also a Museum which retraces the most important moments of the Italian newspaper. Following the purpose of combining past and future, the Museum is also equipped with touch-screen monitors, particularly thought for younger visitors who will enjoy a more interactive experience. The two main editorial offices, hosted in the ground floor, are both characterized by a circular structure, featuring several TV screens in the upper part which are connected to all channels. South editorial office can benefit from natural sunlight, while the north office is lightened up by skylights. Corridors have screens showing the most recent news and bookshelves filled with all newspaper issues; they keep the TV and radio area separated from the rest of the open space. Manager and operative offices are placed in the second floor, while Publikompass offices (firm specialized in advertising) are located in the third floor.

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