Architettura, ingegneria, design - Progetto CMR Massimo Roj Architects

The Profile

Since 1994, the year of our foundation, we have gained solid experience in both the national and international markets, pursuing constant growth while always staying true to our belief: the customer comes first.

The Numbers of Progetto CMR


Business Unit


architetti, ingegneri, designer


Milioni di Metri quadrati di edifici realizzati

Milioni di Metri quadrati di uffici

architetti, ingegneri, designer


The human element is always at the heart of every project. The Progetto CMR team first observes and listens. This is how problems, needs, and desires are addressed through detailed and innovative projects.

The Group

Progetto CMR is now part of Progetto CMR International, a holding company of multiple firms active in the fields of architecture, engineering, design, space creation, and specialised consulting.

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