The design concept is “from seed to flower” which comes from the insertion of an unnatural item in the place where action is taken.
Awareness of this led us, from the earliest planning stages, to create a body that was as natural as possible. Not only an object capable of absorbing, but an element that can save money and integrating with the place.
The design process and composition starts from the design idea of an organic element generated from a seed. A basic cell that can grow up and develop, changing its shape as needed. So we planted the seed in this fertile ground, and we have seen grow and adapt to the place.
In this place, the areas of education, cultural and sports and everyday life will cross each other in a web of events and possibilities.
The flowers have many meanings, from East to West, over the centuries, flowers have represented the best means to convey clear messages. It is so good to know this symbolic heritage to give strength to the expression of a feeling. Hence the idea of a daisy setteling on top of the new park.