Courmayeur Design Week-end

Date 4 February 2025

Categories News|events

Progetto CMR signs the installation in the ancient laundry of Via Donzelli and designs the medals and the trophy for the giant slalom skiCAD.

Progetto CMR participates in the fifth edition of Courmayeur Design Week-end from February 6 to 9, with an intervention on the ancient laundry of Via Donzelli and by designing the medals for the giant slalom skiCAD and the trophy for the best architectural studio.

The light installation “Scie di Luce” outlines the path of the ancient laundry with unexpected trajectories: elements that compose the scenography suspended between light and water above the basins. “Scie di Luce” sketches different scenarios that open up to people’s perception: mountain landscapes, ski slopes, or light waterfalls peeking through the acronym of the most anticipated event: Courmayeur Design Week-end.

The wooden medals designed by Progetto CMR for all the prize categories in skiing and snowboarding disciplines feature the logo of Courmayeur Design Week-end emerging from the mountain profile. The mountain landscape continues to be an inspiration for creativity, and through the work on various mountain profiles, the medal becomes the porthole through which one can admire the panorama of Mont Blanc in all its depth, while the trophy, a wooden crown of skis, will be passed from hand to hand each year.

Massimo Roj, CEO and co-founder of Progetto CMR, states: “Courmayeur Design Week-end is a unique opportunity to share my passion for architecture, design, and the mountains with a broad and aware audience, which has always been interested and curious since the first edition. Courmayeur Design Week-end is much more than just an event: it’s an opportunity to create an authentic connection with people and feel part of the design community at the foot of Mont Blanc.

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